Art & Play Therapy: A Healing Combination

Creative and imaginative expression can offer a space to speak when words do not suffice.

Art therapy is about the process of expression, not the final product. We believe everyone is innately creative, and by letting their imagination flourish, they can access emotions and thoughts that might otherwise be closed off. Combined with a safe and secure shared experience, this is where the healing takes root.

Play therapy blends kinesthetic involvement with the cognitive story of what happened. By integrating thoughts, feelings, and bodily reactions with the verbal narrative, we can clear away the emotional toxicity of an event, reshaping it to be part of the child's memory without being overwhelming.

Art and Play Therapy can reveal a more comprehensive view of a child's unique language as their interactions with objects become their words. As concerned caregivers, it is necessary to learn and communicate within a child's unique language to develop the connection and safety required for deep understanding.

What to Expect

Art & Play therapy sessions are 55 minutes. Depending on the individual need, clients should expect to commit to an average of 6-12 sessions to accomplish their mental health goals. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to participate actively in their child's therapy sessions, helping to create a safe and familiar environment for healing. Clients will interact with various art materials, toys, objects, and books to enhance the therapeutic conversation with the expectation that recovery and growth can occur together as a family unit.